[ weird things ] | alien life
articles tagged: alien life
how not to shift the theological goalposts for hypothetical aliens
# space

how not to shift the theological goalposts for hypothetical aliens

When confronted with aliens that could challenge a faith that hasn't changed for over a thousand years, theologians stand ready and willing... to rationalize away the facts and nuances of their own religion.

no, we did not find aliens on a comet’s surface
# science

no, we did not find aliens on a comet’s surface

The three constants of life seem to be death, taxes, and Chandra Wickramasinghe claiming space agencies are hiding proof of alien life.

why aliens are more alien than ufologists think
# astrobiology

why aliens are more alien than ufologists think

If you want to get an idea of just how alien and bizarre an extraterrestrial might look like, consider the creatures that used to live right here on Earth some 500 million years ago.

will immigrants from tau seti get a tax cut?
# astrobiology

will immigrants from tau seti get a tax cut?

Even before her presidential campaign begins in earnest, Hillary Clinton appears to have the ufologist vote locked up...

discarding panspermia with insufficient evidence
# space

discarding panspermia with insufficient evidence

Panspermia is a somewhat out there hypothesis. But it deserves a serious investigation, not just quick dismissals citing its origins.

you’ve reached earth, please leave a message
# astrobiology

you’ve reached earth, please leave a message

We have trillions to bail out banks for gambling with our money, but a few million to figure out if we're alone in the universe? That we apparently can't afford...

but if the big, bad aliens really do invade…
# astrobiology

but if the big, bad aliens really do invade…

Just because an alien invasion is very unlikely doesn't mean we shouldn't spend at least some time and effort preparing for the possibility...

help, help! alien hunters are being oppressed!
# astrobiology

help, help! alien hunters are being oppressed!

Chandra Wickramasinghe lays out an elaborate theory how the agency tasked with finding proof of alien life is suppressing evidence of alien chemistry and microbes on Earth because reasons.

when astrobiology goes very, very wrong…
# space

when astrobiology goes very, very wrong…

Before closing its doors forever, the Journal of Cosmology lobs one last volley for its theory of panspermia and it's a... well, it's certainly something.

why alien civilizations could require oxygen
# astrobiology

why alien civilizations could require oxygen

Is oxygen in the air a necessity for an alien civilization to develop?

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