[ weird things ] | anthropology
articles tagged: anthropology
how do you solve an enigma like the sentinelese?
# science

how do you solve an enigma like the sentinelese?

The world’s most remote and least contacted tribe wants to be left alone, and they’ll use lethal force to make sure of it. But what happens if that contact is accidental?

politically correct anthropologists tackle science
# science

politically correct anthropologists tackle science

A group of anthropologists crossed from being respectful to non-Western cultures and their history to being patronizing and condescending.

settling the black death debate with ancient dna
# science

settling the black death debate with ancient dna

Genetic studies confirm that the Black Death was a strain of the bubonic plague making its way through Europe with outbreaks in trade hubs.

why alternative medicine spreads like a virus
# health

why alternative medicine spreads like a virus

It seems bizarre, but the longer a patient using alternative medicine is sick, the more converts the alternative treatments win.

what history lost, genetics tries to recover
# science

what history lost, genetics tries to recover

Africa is the cradle of humanity, which is why it's the most exciting place to study the early days of modern human evolution.

apologists, compromises and small gods
# science

apologists, compromises and small gods

The fellows at the John Templeton Foundation have a new idea of reconciling science and religion: mealy-mouth, vague apologetics.