[ weird things ] | commercial spaceflight
articles tagged: commercial spaceflight
world of weird things podcast: why crewed spaceflight is here to stay
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: why crewed spaceflight is here to stay

Despite constant criticism, we’re still sending humans into orbit. And there are some very good reasons to not only keep doing it but to expand space travel as much as we can.

why the crewed dragon launch can make our sci-fi dreams come true
# space

why the crewed dragon launch can make our sci-fi dreams come true

Private companies launching humans into space is a profound game changer. We just need to follow it to its logical conclusion.

spacex should partner with reaction engines
# science

spacex should partner with reaction engines

New designs for potential single stage to orbit space planes won't replace rockets. But they could handle crews while the rockets handle cargo.

transforming politics one spaceflight at a time?
# politics

transforming politics one spaceflight at a time?

Should we take Apollo astronauts' advice and send our politicians into space to give them a sense of scale?

playing politics with the future of space travel
# space

playing politics with the future of space travel

The left seems to believe that private space companies will be fine with sacrificing their customers for profit.

happy space exploration day, 2010 edition
# space

happy space exploration day, 2010 edition

Today is the day when we look back at what we accomplished in space and ask ourselves how we can do more.

nasa in 2011: the good, the bad and the ugly
# space

nasa in 2011: the good, the bad and the ugly

NASA is looking to fix its problems and gear up for sustainable missions. But the actual numbers leave much to be desired.

behold the shape of things to come. hopefully…
# space

behold the shape of things to come. hopefully…

Virgin Galactic has unveiled the first prototype of SpaceShipTwo, the vehicle that will take tourists to the edge of space.

getting ready for orbital chaos
# space

getting ready for orbital chaos

If we want regular space flights, we're going to need the same oversight of launches as we have of air travel today.

the countdown to cheap spaceflight
# space

the countdown to cheap spaceflight

The race is on to turn spaceflight into an affordable adventure.