[ weird things ] | economy
articles tagged: economy
go to college, get a degree, and then what?
# education

go to college, get a degree, and then what?

A study of over 2,000 students found some very disturbing facts about the American college system.

when we’re not allowed to fix our problems
# politics

when we’re not allowed to fix our problems

We know what ails us and how to solve it. We just seem unable and unwilling to take the next step and implement those fixes.

robots just might take your job. and keep it.
# tech

robots just might take your job. and keep it.

Being replaced by machines at work is no longer a utopian prediction. It's a grim reality for which our leaders haven't even tried to prepare.

the great recession vs. game theory
# politics

the great recession vs. game theory

Economic theory and reality keep colliding as the Great Recession unfolds, and Wall Street keeps pretending that the theory is winning.

what wall street can learn from space startups
# tech

what wall street can learn from space startups

If we want to guide out future and find our places in it, we need to take risks and dream big. Otherwise, we're doomed to decades of mediocrity.

college isn’t what it used to be
# education

college isn’t what it used to be

College was supposed to open doors to a bright future. Instead, it became a debt-generating Catch-22 for many.

the gee whiz factor won’t cut it
# space

the gee whiz factor won’t cut it

Exploring space creates new jobs and helps the economy. Simply going to space for the sake of going, doesn't.

why yes, science does equal jobs
# science

why yes, science does equal jobs

Politicians love to pretend the public's money is being wasted on pointless scientific experiments. In reality, all that research creates millions of jobs.

the comments are the best part…
# politics

the comments are the best part…

Sometimes the comments are more telling than the reporting on an important issue in science education.

hey dad, can I borrow a few space bucks?
# space

hey dad, can I borrow a few space bucks?

Cash in space is a safety concern. A foreign exchange company wants to fix that with a new, space-based currency.

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