[ weird things ] | elections
articles tagged: elections
how the news, polls, and social media distort elections
# politics

how the news, polls, and social media distort elections

It turns out that polls and predictions of who'll win, along with fake news appealing to our cognitive dissonances, are changing outcomes of elections before we even have them.

we can make online voting safe and secure. but why should we?
# tech

we can make online voting safe and secure. but why should we?

Voting online would be easy and convenient for millions of voters. But won’t solve big problems and we already have an almost equally convenient way to cast your ballot.

an election day tech conspiracy theory tries to rise
# tech

an election day tech conspiracy theory tries to rise

A group of Republicans is trying to advance a conspiracy theory that Romney's campaign tool to detect voter fraud was sabotaged from the inside.

when voters just won’t care about the issues
# politics

when voters just won’t care about the issues

Politico sounds the alarm on ignorant voters, the voters who refuse to follow the news and won't even try to learn how their government works.

when public fury and fear start calling the shots
# politics

when public fury and fear start calling the shots

The Tea Party is gladly willing to sabotage science, education, technology, and anything else that reminds them that the world is changing because to them, change is scary.

why dog eat dog politics is a really bad thing
# politics

why dog eat dog politics is a really bad thing

Christopher Hitchens accurately dissects why very few sane people want to go into Western politics anymore.

how low can you go?
# politics

how low can you go?

Believe it or not, over the long term, political discourse is getting a lot less nasty on average.

the electoral meme machine
# science

the electoral meme machine

While we criticize people for "jumping on the bandwagon," sociology says they may not have much of a choice...