[ weird things ] | genetics
articles tagged: genetics
how governments are using babies’ genes to investigate their parents
# science

how governments are using babies’ genes to investigate their parents

Police are starting to use newborns’ blood samples in criminal investigations involving their parents, alarming privacy advocates and legal scholars.

why your genes rarely determine your fate
# science

why your genes rarely determine your fate

The question of nature vs. nurture may never be settled when it comes to humans.

why you can’t design your baby and why it’s a terrible idea to try
# science

why you can’t design your baby and why it’s a terrible idea to try

Despite dire warnings, we may never be able to custom design humans. And if we ever learn how, we may accidentally drive ourselves into extinction if we try.

how a virus accidentally helped the evolution of intelligence
# evolution

how a virus accidentally helped the evolution of intelligence

Intelligent life on Earth may owe its existence to an ancient virus which inserted its genetic code and machinery into early tetrapods and now helps their neurons talk to each other.

why your ancestry test probably isn’t that accurate
# science

why your ancestry test probably isn’t that accurate

Before you get your DNA tested, remember that most of the baseline samples used to process your genome only come from three countries and your reports will feature a lot of asterisks.

world of weird things podcast: how not to design your baby
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: how not to design your baby

The CRISPR babies scandal has unlocked old fears about the power of gene editing in the wrong hands and created new concerns about rogue operators who refuse to play it safe, even when there are literally lives on the line.

wait a minute, haven’t we seen this movie before?
# health

wait a minute, haven’t we seen this movie before?

The easy way to make gene therapy more effective may be to resurrect a virus' evolutionary ancestors in a lab...

do we know what actually causes autism?
# health

do we know what actually causes autism?

A new study backs up the idea that autism is a genetic disorder by growing neurons in petri dishes.

when a geneticist tackles intelligence, badly
# science

when a geneticist tackles intelligence, badly

Geneticist Jerry Crabtree jumps on the natural-selection-for-humans-is-dead bandwagon with a study of human intelligence that doesn't say what he thinks it does.

a key, evolving molecule by any other name…
# evolution

a key, evolving molecule by any other name…

Believe it or not, DNA is not the only hereditary molecule out there. In fact, it's one of many molecules that could form the backbone of gene pools.

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