[ weird things ] | quantum mechanics
articles tagged: quantum mechanics
wowt explains: what is a quantum computer?
# tech

wowt explains: what is a quantum computer?

Quantum computers are coming. But what exactly are they and what can they do for us?

quantum physics has a new way to blow your mind. it’s called quantum scarring
# science

quantum physics has a new way to blow your mind. it’s called quantum scarring

It turns out that some quantum systems don't want to decay into their most chaotic state. Instead, they want to return to the state in which they started.

putting hawking to the test with sonic blasters and supercooled gas
# space

putting hawking to the test with sonic blasters and supercooled gas

The late physicist Stephen Hawking predicted that black holes evaporate as its massive tidal forces interfere with quantum particles. Now, experiments are starting to confirm his predictions.

why gravity is the force you think you understand, but actually don’t
# science

why gravity is the force you think you understand, but actually don’t

If you think you know how gravity works, you’re probably wrong. While we can explain what it does, figuring out how has been a multi-decade long exercise in frustration and dead ends.

quantum causality remains an oxymoron
# science

quantum causality remains an oxymoron

The most thorough study of quantum entanglement to date shows that "spooky action" is really happening.

the paradox of the black hole information paradox
# science

the paradox of the black hole information paradox

Stephen Hawking hasn't actually solved the black hole information paradox and his latest work raises more questions than it provides answers.

why you owe your existence to quantum mechanics
# science

why you owe your existence to quantum mechanics

When you're trying to start carbon-based life, not just any carbon isotope will do and the one you need wouldn't even exist without a quirk of quantum mechanics.

why scientists really don’t need the input of philosophers like raymond tallis
# science

why scientists really don’t need the input of philosophers like raymond tallis

Raymond Tallis has a list of scathing criticisms aimed at physics and neurology. It would sure help his points if he knew what he was talking about...

when lasers learn how to turn a corner…
# science

when lasers learn how to turn a corner…

A new experiment unlocks quantum behaviors that can make laser beams more cohesive and negotiate more complicated trajectories.

don’t panic, but the universe can explode at any second thanks to the higgs boson
# space

don’t panic, but the universe can explode at any second thanks to the higgs boson

We just found the Higgs boson, and already a few scientists think it might be responsible for destroying the universe on a random day in the unspecified future.

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