[ weird things ] | sex
articles tagged: sex
how not to write an article about sexuality
# sex

how not to write an article about sexuality

Blaming porn for societal problems isn't exclusive to religious zealots.

turning sexuality and cognition into digital vapor
# sex

turning sexuality and cognition into digital vapor

Surprisingly, one of the topics Singularitarians don't bring up about the utopian virtual worlds to which we'll upload our minds is just how much sex there would be.

celebrating sixty years of failure
# sex

celebrating sixty years of failure

A small setback like being wrong about literally everything is not going to stop abstinence-only zealots from attacking sex ed.

sex, culture and religion with greta christina
# sex

sex, culture and religion with greta christina

There's a lot of pseudoscience lurking in sex positive communities. But how did it get there in the first place?

the pope needs a fact check
# sex

the pope needs a fact check

A pair of studies shows that not only does abstinence not work, it makes things a lot worse.

the scary world of sex
# sex

the scary world of sex

For humans, sex is usually fun and exciting. For insects and arthropods, it's terrifying and all too often fatal...

sex sells and so does outrage
# sex

sex sells and so does outrage

Sex sells, and so does moral outrage about sexy things being lucrative.

the mile high club goes orbital
# sex

the mile high club goes orbital

Sex in space will be both an inevitability and necessity. We should be studying it a lot more than we do today.

weird sex
# sex

weird sex

Nature is weird. Especially when it comes to sex...

our sexual religions
# sex

our sexual religions

Religious leaders are often obsessed with sex because nature might not have given them a choice in the matter.

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