[ weird things ] | space exploration
articles tagged: space exploration
why space travel makes you more of an environmentalist
# space

why space travel makes you more of an environmentalist

Astronauts get a very rare and unique perspective on our planet, one in which our world isn’t just a steppingstone to the stars, but a fragile home to be protected.

what the coronavirus mass quarantine can teach us about space travel
# space

what the coronavirus mass quarantine can teach us about space travel

If we're going to explore space, we have to prepare for long periods of isolation and boredom. Can social distancing during this pandemic teach us how to deal with them?

actually no, white dwarfs aren’t ideal when looking for alien life
# space

actually no, white dwarfs aren’t ideal when looking for alien life

Looking for dying civilizations huddling around a cooling ember of a star isn't just a depressing idea, it's shortsighted science that dismisses life's ability to invent and innovate.

politicians rush to undermine the future of space exploration
# space

politicians rush to undermine the future of space exploration

A new bill making its way through the U.S. House of Representatives wants to take a sledgehammer to the future of space travel for the benefit of one corporation.

world of weird things podcast: do cyborgs dream of bionic sheep?
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: do cyborgs dream of bionic sheep?

In the future, humanity is likely to become cyborgs. But how would that happen? And how did we get to the point where this is a realistic conversation?

why the myth of nasa’s $165 million space pen just won’t die
# space

why the myth of nasa’s $165 million space pen just won’t die

The long-debunked story of NASA buying ridiculously expensive pens is just too gratifying for some people to pass up.

world of weird things podcast: why ad astra is the breakup letter to space exploration
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: why ad astra is the breakup letter to space exploration

Advertised as a journey to the edge of space and our inner selves, Ad Astra is a tedious, scientifically inaccurate dive into a one-dimensional character's navel. Here's why it matters.

world of weird things podcast: are we getting our germs all over space?
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: are we getting our germs all over space?

A recent crash landing on the Moon was an astrobiologist's worst-case scenario, raising the question of whether we're just doomed to contaminate every world we'll ever touch.

the real reason why moon landing conspiracies endure
# space

the real reason why moon landing conspiracies endure

The idea that the lunar landing was faked has by now been debunked by just about everyone and their twice removed sister-in-law's grandma. So how and why is it still around?

for the sake of the planet, stop exploring space?
# space

for the sake of the planet, stop exploring space?

The space exploration industry is booming, which is an encouraging sign for our future. But some pundits are arguing that rocket launches will exacerbate global warming.

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