[ weird things ] | space travel
articles tagged: space travel
actually no, white dwarfs aren’t ideal when looking for alien life
# space

actually no, white dwarfs aren’t ideal when looking for alien life

Looking for dying civilizations huddling around a cooling ember of a star isn't just a depressing idea, it's shortsighted science that dismisses life's ability to invent and innovate.

why the myth of nasa’s $165 million space pen just won’t die
# space

why the myth of nasa’s $165 million space pen just won’t die

The long-debunked story of NASA buying ridiculously expensive pens is just too gratifying for some people to pass up.

world of weird things podcast: why ad astra is the breakup letter to space exploration
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: why ad astra is the breakup letter to space exploration

Advertised as a journey to the edge of space and our inner selves, Ad Astra is a tedious, scientifically inaccurate dive into a one-dimensional character's navel. Here's why it matters.

world of weird things podcast: how to live in perpetual twilight
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: how to live in perpetual twilight

Of all the worlds to which humanity may travel, the most typical one would require our colonists to live under a sky in which the sun never rises or sets because it physically can’t.

world of weird things podcast: how exploring the solar system will un-domesticate us
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: how exploring the solar system will un-domesticate us

Humanity seems to be in a rut. Left bored, aimless, and engaging in self-destructive behaviors, we’re looking for the next big thing. And the best place to find it might be off this planet.

why nasa may be trying to quietly put the sls out of its misery
# space

why nasa may be trying to quietly put the sls out of its misery

NASA appears to be sick and tired of having to wait until the mid-2020s to return to the Moon on a future rocket that will be inferior to the private ones already flying, and easily lapped by ones currently being built.

why we need to return to the moon and do the other things
# space

why we need to return to the moon and do the other things

Space is becoming a growing commercial industry. And we need to start heavily investing in it to save ourselves from our worst decision makers.

why we need to explore space now more than we ever did before
# space

why we need to explore space now more than we ever did before

We need big ideas if we're going to successfully transition to a post-industrial society.

life on mars, now in post-modern style
# space

life on mars, now in post-modern style

A proposal for a Martian habitat wants to use the power of water for both structural support and radiation shielding.

when you just can’t solve a problem with a giant laser canon
# space

when you just can’t solve a problem with a giant laser canon

Yuri Milner wants to explore Alpha Centauri with a tiny spaceship propelled by the biggest and most powerful laser cannon ever built. That may be a lot harder than it sounds.

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