the blog is dead, long live the substack
# tech

the blog is dead, long live the substack

Sometimes the only way forward is to try something new.

why neutron stars may be the coolest objects in the universe
# space

why neutron stars may be the coolest objects in the universe

Neutron stars’ thunder is usually stolen by black holes, but these bizarre objects living on the edge of physics create plenty of fascinating phenomena all on their own.

how social media ruined expertise and how to get it back
# tech

how social media ruined expertise and how to get it back

Thanks to social media, everybody can be a pundit today, and that’s ruining how we build a factual understanding of our world and what’s happening in it.

behold the (terrifyingly badly designed) cyborg of the 1960s
# science

behold the (terrifyingly badly designed) cyborg of the 1960s

Humans have been thinking about modifying themselves to survive the rigors of space flight for a long time now. Thankfully, out ideas for how to do it have vastly improved.

the enduring mystery of mh370 and why we’ll never let it go
# oddities

the enduring mystery of mh370 and why we’ll never let it go

Nine years on, conspiracy theories and questions are still flying around the fate of flight MH370. And they will never stop.

wowt explains: the ins and outs of time travel
# science

wowt explains: the ins and outs of time travel

Is time travel possible? What would happen if you did it? How would you do it? The answers to these questions are surprisingly complicated and weird.

nasa and darpa are reviving our atomic age dreams once again
# space

nasa and darpa are reviving our atomic age dreams once again

Space exploration is about to kick start a new era of nuclear energy and another chance to get the future right.

how walkability became conspiracy theorists’ boogeyman once again
# oddities

how walkability became conspiracy theorists’ boogeyman once again

Social media trolls declared “15-minute cities” to be a New World Order plan for open air mass prisons, derailing plans to make North American cities more livable yet again.

how a.i. is ruining the web and leaving humans behind
# tech

how a.i. is ruining the web and leaving humans behind

ChatGPT and its competitors are set to turn search, news, and social media into a complete dumpster fire.

is the earth’s core really about to stop spinning? absolutely not.
# science

is the earth’s core really about to stop spinning? absolutely not.

According to the news, our planet’s core has stopped spinning and will soon reverse. What’s really happening is a lot less exciting, but still pretty neat.

the killer fungi are coming for us thanks to global warming
# health

the killer fungi are coming for us thanks to global warming

One of scientists’ biggest fears about fungi and global warming is starting to slowly play out.

when artificial intelligence tries to go to court
# tech

when artificial intelligence tries to go to court

In a legal and technical first, a robot lawyer is about to help a human defendant. Is it a good idea? And what happens next?

contrary to popular belief, citizen science is alive and well
# science

contrary to popular belief, citizen science is alive and well

Despite what cranks, frauds, and their fans will tell you, scientists do listen to amateurs with good ideas, as two recent news stories demonstrate.

why science says that suburbs are mind-numbing boredom generators
# science

why science says that suburbs are mind-numbing boredom generators

Suburbs have long been the subject of consternation and ire from activists and urban planners, and research seems to agree with their critiques.

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