# podcast
This one is for every scientist and science writer who've been told that something is "just a theory" in response to an article.
Greg Fish on 10.18.2019
# tech
Thanks to science fiction we're all familiar with the term cyborg, but what it means is actually a lot less defined than it appears at first glance.
Greg Fish on 10.17.2019
# space
According to sensationalistic headlines, the hypothetical ninth planet in our solar system is a tennis ball sized black hole. According to physics, it's far more likely to be literally anything else.
Greg Fish on 10.16.2019
# tech
Few topics today are as relevant and impactful as automation, changing the fortunes of developing nations and deeply reshaping the economies of politics of wealthy ones.
Greg Fish on 10.14.2019
# space
The long-debunked story of NASA buying ridiculously expensive pens is just too gratifying for some people to pass up.
Greg Fish on 10.12.2019
# podcast
You certainly don't want to trample on people's self-esteem. But some people just seem to have way too much, and when they do, a lot of very bad things tend to happen.
Greg Fish on 10.11.2019
# space
The massive structure designed to capture the energy of an entire star envisioned by Freeman Dyson is popular in science fiction. But can we build it? And have alien civilizations tried a similar idea?
Greg Fish on 10.10.2019
# science
Politicians need to keep their voters happy and voters don't like to be offended. But it turns out, dishing out a little offense once in a while gives politicians a real edge.
Greg Fish on 10.09.2019
# space
We know that black holes are bizarre. We know they exist. We even have a picture of one. But what exactly are they?
Greg Fish on 10.07.2019
# tech
Politicians aren't in a hurry to lower emissions even as the world's temperature rises. Can we buy more time to fix the environment with a giant orbiting sunshade?
Greg Fish on 10.05.2019