the blog is dead, long live the substack
# tech

the blog is dead, long live the substack

Sometimes the only way forward is to try something new.

why neutron stars may be the coolest objects in the universe
# space

why neutron stars may be the coolest objects in the universe

Neutron stars’ thunder is usually stolen by black holes, but these bizarre objects living on the edge of physics create plenty of fascinating phenomena all on their own.

how social media ruined expertise and how to get it back
# tech

how social media ruined expertise and how to get it back

Thanks to social media, everybody can be a pundit today, and that’s ruining how we build a factual understanding of our world and what’s happening in it.

behold the (terrifyingly badly designed) cyborg of the 1960s
# science

behold the (terrifyingly badly designed) cyborg of the 1960s

Humans have been thinking about modifying themselves to survive the rigors of space flight for a long time now. Thankfully, out ideas for how to do it have vastly improved.

global warming won’t kill us anymore. but it will make us suffer
# science

global warming won’t kill us anymore. but it will make us suffer

Humanity won’t collapse from climate change thanks to the steps we’ve already taken. But we will still be in serious trouble if we don’t do more.

why crypto enthusiasts are #notallbros
# tech

why crypto enthusiasts are #notallbros

The stereotype of NFT and crypto enthusiasts is that of young, upper middle class men gambling on get-rich-quick-schemes. We need to update that perception.

why we need to talk more about geothermal energy
# science

why we need to talk more about geothermal energy

A new energy startup wants to use lasers to make geothermal energy more accessible across the world. We should be rooting for their success.

why is right wing social media obsessed with ukrainian biolabs?
# oddities

why is right wing social media obsessed with ukrainian biolabs?

Combine malicious propaganda with paranoid people who want to believe they know secrets they don’t, and you get a noxious mess.

why your contrarian take is almost certainly wrong
# education

why your contrarian take is almost certainly wrong

Today’s media is addicted to contrarian takes on everything. And those takes are almost always just attention-grabbing clickbait.

how social media brought us to the edge of world war 3
# tech

how social media brought us to the edge of world war 3

With an invasion of Ukraine and thinly veiled threats of nuclear war, we’re living on the edge of World War 3 thanks to Rupert Murdoch, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

how artificial intelligence is helping to crack fusion
# science

how artificial intelligence is helping to crack fusion

Researchers trying to give the world a nearly limitless source of clean energy are getting a hand from an AI trained to fight against 100+ million degree plasma.

how confirmation bias became the most valuable and dangerous product in the world
# politics

how confirmation bias became the most valuable and dangerous product in the world

A massively profitable global industry got that way by showing people only what they already believe. Now we’re dealing with the fallout.

how to spot aliens with a telescope
# space

how to spot aliens with a telescope

With the successful launch and deployment of the James Webb Space Telescope, a lot of researchers and science enthusiasts are wondering if it could actually help us find alien life.

web3 promises to make the internet better. it will do the exact opposite.
# tech

web3 promises to make the internet better. it will do the exact opposite.

Even if you’re not a techie, posts about “Web3” and NFTs are probably littering your social media feed. What the hell are they all about, and how will they “save the internet?”

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