[ weird things ] | charles darwin
articles tagged: charles darwin
starting a controversy for controversy’s sake
# evolution

starting a controversy for controversy’s sake

Jerry Fodor and Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini wrote a book about evolution riddled with mistakes called out by biologists. Now they're pretending their critics are faceless nobodies with suspect credentials.

why ray comfort got the ncse treatment
# evolution

why ray comfort got the ncse treatment

Religion reporter Dan Gilgoff decided to host a debate between Ray Comfort and a biologist. Then he tried stacking the deck in Comfort's favor...

the sunday times gets an egg on its face
# evolution

the sunday times gets an egg on its face

British pundit Dennis Sewell is back to blame all the evils of the modern world on the discovery of gradual genetic change in living organisms.

charles darwin and otto hahn’s alien fossils
# astrobiology

charles darwin and otto hahn’s alien fossils

Was Darwin interested in panspermia, the hypothesis that life on Earth was seeded by asteroid impacts?

the creationist quest to slime darwin
# evolution

the creationist quest to slime darwin

There seems to be nothing creationists won't blame on Charles Darwin, especially the Holocaust.

evolution, now for cryptozoologists
# oddities

evolution, now for cryptozoologists

Van Helsing might have been a legendary monster slayer who defeated many a werewolf, but he had nothing on... Darwin?

the true meaning of darwin day…
# evolution

the true meaning of darwin day…

So what exactly is Darwin Day?

going after darwin
# science

going after darwin

Creationists have an unhealthy obsession with Darwin because they don't understand how science works.