[ weird things ] | climate change
articles tagged: climate change
climate change could kill over 500,000 people per year by 2030
# health

climate change could kill over 500,000 people per year by 2030

We knew people would die as climate change got progressively worse. Now we have a realistic idea of just how many, and plenty of hints that these statistics are underestimated.

it’s not the warming that kills you, it’s how fast the planet warms
# science

it’s not the warming that kills you, it’s how fast the planet warms

As global temperatures and greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, scientists are studying the Permian mass extinction for clues to our fate in a world warming out of control.

can antacids and geoengineering help us stop global warming?
# science

can antacids and geoengineering help us stop global warming?

A new geoengineering experiment seeks to cool the Earth by safely emulating the aftermath of volcanic eruptions. But even if it’s successful, all it can do is buy us time.

when climate change contrarians actually have a point
# science

when climate change contrarians actually have a point

A recent paper with a grim notice about the planet’s warming oceans was wrong according to a climate change contrarian. Its authors agree.

why your beer is safe from global warming. for now…
# science

why your beer is safe from global warming. for now…

The beer industry has a plan to keep their product affordable in spite of climate change. But they’re not the only ones having to come up with climate mitigation plans to stay in business.

climate change deniers throw a pity party in congress to talk about hurt feelings
# science

climate change deniers throw a pity party in congress to talk about hurt feelings

The House's Denialist-in-Chief Lamar Smith invites his favorite climate change denialists for an afternoon of ego stroking and kvetching.

pollution denial, the hot new trend ready to kill you for a quick profit
# science

pollution denial, the hot new trend ready to kill you for a quick profit

Fossil fuel lobbyists are ready to give you asthma, COPD, and even lung cancer if it means they and their clients can make an extra dollar.

can we really re-ice the arctic?
# science

can we really re-ice the arctic?

With no faith in politicians to help combat global warming, some scientists are turning to geo-engineering as a possible solution.

no, we’re not about to see another ice age
# science

no, we’re not about to see another ice age

Climate change denialists have ran out of contrarian theories so they decided to recycle an old one.

why you can only fight reality for so long
# tech

why you can only fight reality for so long

Ignoring reality will always, always return to bite you were it hurts most. The only question is when it will strike.

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