[ weird things ] | cranks
articles tagged: cranks
when a homeopath goes full mental jacket
# science

when a homeopath goes full mental jacket

Homeopath John Benneth is trying to make a name for himself as both a scientifically illiterate quack and a self-pitying conspiracy theorist.

so how would you say hello in your universe?
# science

so how would you say hello in your universe?

Biocentrism is the hottest new "quantum" woo that's literally all about you...

the woo is really, really strong in this one…
# science

the woo is really, really strong in this one…

There's no pseudoscience or conspiracy Mike Adams isn't willing to defend. His latest cause? Astrology.

the man who made a real spectacle of himself
# science

the man who made a real spectacle of himself

This is what happens when you're told you shouldn't read the comments but do it anyway.

could a geocentrist even screw in a lightbulb?
# space

could a geocentrist even screw in a lightbulb?

There's here, they're loud, and they somehow missed the last 600 years of science...

how cranks and mad scientists are born
# science

how cranks and mad scientists are born

Scientists and engineers don't turn into cranks overnight. It's a process that usually starts by not knowing when to cut one's losses...

dear new scientist, are you missing a backbone?
# science

dear new scientist, are you missing a backbone?

The magazine is allowing an angry crank with a vendetta against an editor to dictate what stories it will publish and pull.

why it’s so hard to argue with a famous crank
# science

why it’s so hard to argue with a famous crank

In response to a lengthy presentation debunking his claims, Christopher Monckton did the only thing he knows how to do: throw a massive tantrum.

the gmc’s pyrrhic victory over wakefield
# health

the gmc’s pyrrhic victory over wakefield

Wakefield may have lost his medical license and is no longer able to call himself a doctor, but his damage to public health has been done and will continue.

dealing with the new generation of cranks
# science

dealing with the new generation of cranks

Today's cranks are more publicity savvy and sophisticated then ever, which is one of the biggest reasons not to hold back when confronting their nonsense.

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