[ weird things ] | cyborg
articles tagged: cyborg
running for the gold at the olympics? don’t bother with legs…
# tech

running for the gold at the olympics? don’t bother with legs…

Advanced prosthetics are making an appearance at the Olympics and showing how inhuman form can restore human function.

a peek at the shape of organs to come
# tech

a peek at the shape of organs to come

The artificial hearts of tomorrow might replace the familiar beat of the heart with a steady hum. And millions might live longer thanks to that innovation.

how a russian media mogul pulled a kurzweil
# tech

how a russian media mogul pulled a kurzweil

A Russian mogul's PR firm is talking to bloggers about his plan to fast-track The Singularity.

moving one inch closer to real world wetware
# science

moving one inch closer to real world wetware

A new technology to tap into individual neurons offers amazing possibilities for prosthetics and intricate implants.

reaching for transhumanism in comic books
# tech

reaching for transhumanism in comic books

Transhumanism is a common theme in comic books. But which one of the scenarios they present has the most scientific merit?

taking cyborg technology to the next level
# tech

taking cyborg technology to the next level

A new experiment shows that we can give paralyzed patients the ability to move their wheelchairs with their thoughts alone.

coming soon to a future near you…
# tech

coming soon to a future near you…

Predictions are difficult, especially about the future. But what futurist ideas seem to be on the right track and more likely to happen than not?

why defining a.i. is harder than it looks
# tech

why defining a.i. is harder than it looks

For nearly than half a century, the consensus on what makes a machine intelligent has eluded the computer science field, and it's not getting any easier with more time and new technology.

will there be a dawn of cyborg astronauts?
# space

will there be a dawn of cyborg astronauts?

Could we use brain-machine interfaces to harden our astronauts against some of the most pressing dangers of space travel?

how to speak your mind, literally.
# tech

how to speak your mind, literally.

In another major step for brain-machine interfaces, a stroke victim can speak using a computer with amazing accuracy.

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