[ weird things ] | dyson spheres
articles tagged: dyson spheres
wowt explains: what is a dyson sphere?
# space

wowt explains: what is a dyson sphere?

The massive structure designed to capture the energy of an entire star envisioned by Freeman Dyson is popular in science fiction. But can we build it? And have alien civilizations tried a similar idea?

why we won’t build a dyson sphere soon
# tech

why we won’t build a dyson sphere soon

No, a Dyson sphere around our sun isn't a plausible project for the next few thousand years. And maybe not even then.

examining hawking’s alien dyson sphere
# science

examining hawking’s alien dyson sphere

Would aliens actually want to build a Dyson Sphere? It wouldn't be out of reach for them, but they might get a lot less power out of it, with a lot less utility than it seems at first glance...