[ weird things ] | fundamentalism
articles tagged: fundamentalism
how not to shift the theological goalposts for hypothetical aliens
# space

how not to shift the theological goalposts for hypothetical aliens

When confronted with aliens that could challenge a faith that hasn't changed for over a thousand years, theologians stand ready and willing... to rationalize away the facts and nuances of their own religion.

how fundamentalists legalized child abuse
# politics

how fundamentalists legalized child abuse

Religious protections and exemptions have gone so far that in certain cases, neglecting and abusing children is legal as long as you claim there's a religious reason for it.

why are there no resurrections in the modern world? it’s the eggheads’ fault!
# health

why are there no resurrections in the modern world? it’s the eggheads’ fault!

Pat Robertson perfectly demonstrates the bad arguments faith healers use to trick people into believing they can be cured with a miracle.

religious freedom done very, very wrong
# politics

religious freedom done very, very wrong

Christian zealots in Missouri vote to create a right they've always had just to sneak in a way to stop teaching their kids about evolution, sex, and cosmology.

the fundamentalist problem of a modern society
# politics

the fundamentalist problem of a modern society

People of faith contribute to society in countless ways. Fundamentalists, however, are a millstone around its neck.

defiling the memory of the holocaust in israel
# politics

defiling the memory of the holocaust in israel

Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel are completely out of control according to the secular Israelis who have to share a country with them.

why your sexy eyes are now a sin before allah
# oddities

why your sexy eyes are now a sin before allah

Muslim fundamentalists want all those harlots to cover up their sexy, sexy eyes, lest they're tempted to sin at the sight of an exposed iris.

when the real world just isn’t enough…
# education

when the real world just isn’t enough…

According to the Huffington Post, teaching kids science is the same as brainwashing and should be considered a form of abuse.

ask no evil, see no evil, publish no evil…
# science

ask no evil, see no evil, publish no evil…

The results of the biannual scientific literacy survey conducted by the National Science Foundation are so embarrassing, the organization felt the need to censor some of the results.

wisconsin d.a. tries to outlaw sex ed
# sex

wisconsin d.a. tries to outlaw sex ed

According to Scott Southworth, teaching teenagers how to use birth control is essentially the same crime as showing pornography to a minor.

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