[ weird things ] | international law
articles tagged: international law
blogger drafts an extraterrestrial bill of rights
# astrobiology

blogger drafts an extraterrestrial bill of rights

Futurist blogger created an aspirational list of rules by which we should interact with any aliens we might encounter. Emphasis on the aspirational part...

anyone out there want to adopt an orbit?
# space

anyone out there want to adopt an orbit?

We absolutely want private companies to go explore space and take paying customers with them, but we'll also need a fair bit of regulation.

welcome to tranquility national park?
# space

welcome to tranquility national park?

If we're expecting tourists to visit the Moon, should we figure out how to protect Apollo landing sites from souvenir hunters and historical artifact collectors?

whose moon is it anyway?
# politics

whose moon is it anyway?

Technically, no one owns or can lay claim to the Moon. But if we start routinely staying on its surface, the law may need to change.