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articles tagged: popular science
why you need to pick the right experts, redux
# tech

why you need to pick the right experts, redux

Michio Kaku talks quantum computing at Big Think. It doesn't go well. It doesn't go well at all.

why you’re most probably not part alien
# astrobiology

why you’re most probably not part alien

It's not completely impossible that you could have some alien DNA. But the odds are literally astronomical.

alien planet has alien chemistry. io9 is shocked.
# space

alien planet has alien chemistry. io9 is shocked.

GJ 436b has some interesting chemistry, but it's not rewriting astronomy and chemistry books, nor is it a huge surprise to scientists.

when simulations and the media collide
# space

when simulations and the media collide

Despite what the media might have told you, we don't actually know if a rocky planet slammed into Jupiter or not.

caught up in the bandwagon fallacy, people refuse to listen to science
# science

caught up in the bandwagon fallacy, people refuse to listen to science

Being told more people believed something makes you more likely to believe it too, even if science says the exact opposite.

nat geo gets gun-shy on ancient astronauts
# astrobiology

nat geo gets gun-shy on ancient astronauts

NatGeo gave ancient astronaut theorists the time of day, but did little to rebuke their pseudoscientific arguments in a rare miss.

the lazy man’s guide to theistic evolution
# evolution

the lazy man’s guide to theistic evolution

Deepak Chopra's fluffy quantum creationist woo has a new imitator and he's ready to disappoint readers with a buzzword salad of an essay.

templeton takes science writers for a ride…
# science

templeton takes science writers for a ride…

Chris Mooney has effectively allowed the Templeton Foundation to bribe him not to write anything negative about religious zealotry or over-reach.

starting a controversy for controversy’s sake
# evolution

starting a controversy for controversy’s sake

Jerry Fodor and Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini wrote a book about evolution riddled with mistakes called out by biologists. Now they're pretending their critics are faceless nobodies with suspect credentials.

mooney tackles the anti-vaxers. well, sort of…
# science

mooney tackles the anti-vaxers. well, sort of…

After failing to fix science education, Chris Mooney is taking his failed approach to the vaccine manufactroversy.

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