[ weird things ] | schools
articles tagged: schools
why americans need to grow up when it comes to sex ed
# sex

why americans need to grow up when it comes to sex ed

John Oliver tackled the state of sexual education in America and that state is disturbing to put it mildly...

when conspiracy theorists have a valid point
# oddities

when conspiracy theorists have a valid point

Just because we can track people in real time for whatever reason we want, doesn't mean we should, or let those who overstep sane bounds off the hook.

dear technophobes, the kids are quite all right…
# tech

dear technophobes, the kids are quite all right…

Over the last 60 years, the world has dramatically changed but K-12 education hasn't. Just blaming social media and web connected devices won't help get students more engaged.

when administrators’ heads really need to roll…
# politics

when administrators’ heads really need to roll…

Amazingly, Harrington High School will not be prosecuted for spying on its students at home through school-issued laptops and creating child porn in the process...

how prudishness becomes a pathology
# sex

how prudishness becomes a pathology

Helicopter parents seem to believe that if kids can't learn about sex, they won't experiment with it. Statistically, they're risking their kids' long term health for their own peace of mind.

our broken evolution curriculum
# education

our broken evolution curriculum

If we want more people to understand how evolution works and why it's such an important concept, we need to improve how we teach them about it.