[ weird things ] | sex education
articles tagged: sex education
world of weird things podcast: the weird world of sex
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: the weird world of sex

Social mores turned sex into a taboo topic, creating huge gaps in popular knowledge of one of the most important parts of our lives. But now, science is stepping up to provide answers.

when sex and ignorance collide
# sex

when sex and ignorance collide

The writer of the most popular and influential pro-abstinence literature is now regretting his work.

wisconsin d.a. tries to outlaw sex ed
# sex

wisconsin d.a. tries to outlaw sex ed

According to Scott Southworth, teaching teenagers how to use birth control is essentially the same crime as showing pornography to a minor.

sex on tv equals teen pregnancies?
# sex

sex on tv equals teen pregnancies?

Research into teen pregnancy seems to be rife with confusing causation and correlation.