[ weird things ] | space
# space

how to spot aliens with a telescope
# space

how to spot aliens with a telescope

With the successful launch and deployment of the James Webb Space Telescope, a lot of researchers and science enthusiasts are wondering if it could actually help us find alien life.

what is a planet anyway? astronomers campaign to avenge pluto
# space

what is a planet anyway? astronomers campaign to avenge pluto

A group of scientists want Pluto to be considered a planet again, even if hundreds of other objects earn the same rank.

will we really eat each other to survive in space?
# space

will we really eat each other to survive in space?

What happens when your crops fail and you’re 60 trillion miles from Earth? Some experts are raising grim alternatives to tabloids’ delight.

oddball earth: why our planet really is different
# space

oddball earth: why our planet really is different

Looking for worlds around other stars shows us just how weird and unusual our planet really is in the grand scheme of things.

nothing to see in the galactic core, move along
# space

nothing to see in the galactic core, move along

Astronomers detected a new, strange signal from the heart of our galaxy to the delight of social media users ready for a sign from an alien civilization…

nasa is getting ready to defend the planet by shooting at asteroids
# space

nasa is getting ready to defend the planet by shooting at asteroids

Dinosaurs may have had no choice but to get wiped out by a catastrophic impact from outer space. But we have options. And we’re starting to test them on real asteroids.

billionaires are starting a new space race. so, what happens to the rest of us?
# space

billionaires are starting a new space race. so, what happens to the rest of us?

The next big space race isn’t the United States vs. China, it’s Musk vs. Bezos. And who wins has the potential to change our lives.

how the lack of gravity can scramble your brain
# space

how the lack of gravity can scramble your brain

When you’re not being firmly planted onto a solid surface by gravity, it’s not just your bones and muscles that suffer. It takes a toll on your brain too.

are we really all martians?
# space

are we really all martians?

As the international race to explore Mars heats up, some writers are resurrecting an old hypothesis that life on Earth really started on the red planet.

forget giant domes, cities on other worlds will fit their environments
# space

forget giant domes, cities on other worlds will fit their environments

There are good reasons why designs for human outposts on other planets are starting to look nothing like the typical science fiction tropes with which we’ve grown up.

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