the blog is dead, long live the substack
# tech

the blog is dead, long live the substack

Sometimes the only way forward is to try something new.

why neutron stars may be the coolest objects in the universe
# space

why neutron stars may be the coolest objects in the universe

Neutron stars’ thunder is usually stolen by black holes, but these bizarre objects living on the edge of physics create plenty of fascinating phenomena all on their own.

how social media ruined expertise and how to get it back
# tech

how social media ruined expertise and how to get it back

Thanks to social media, everybody can be a pundit today, and that’s ruining how we build a factual understanding of our world and what’s happening in it.

behold the (terrifyingly badly designed) cyborg of the 1960s
# science

behold the (terrifyingly badly designed) cyborg of the 1960s

Humans have been thinking about modifying themselves to survive the rigors of space flight for a long time now. Thankfully, out ideas for how to do it have vastly improved.

world of weird things podcast: in search of ancient little green men
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: in search of ancient little green men

Tales of long-lost ancient civilizations are nothing new. What is new, is scientists asking how to find such societies on our world and those orbiting other stars…

today’s politics is undermining mental health
# politics

today’s politics is undermining mental health

Unless we tackle the cultural and mental health issues fueling populist train wrecks across the West, any political victory against them will only be temporary.

world of weird things podcast: why space can’t be our trashcan
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: why space can’t be our trashcan

After decades of exploring space, the orbit around our planet is filled with junk we need to clear as soon as possible. But physics and politics aren’t going to make it easy on us.

the automated workhouse: how machines quietly conquered the world
# tech

the automated workhouse: how machines quietly conquered the world

Science fiction imagines humans subservient to rows of servers humming in a data centers after losing a world war. In reality, the machines didn’t have to fire a single shot…

world of weird things podcast: why cult leaders are loving the pandemic
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: why cult leaders are loving the pandemic

While we’re spending more and more time at home, in front of our computers as the COVID pandemic rages on, cults are ready to pounce on a golden opportunity...

hackers aren’t getting better, so why do we keep getting hacked?
# tech

hackers aren’t getting better, so why do we keep getting hacked?

We’re told that digital security is a cat and mouse game between computer geniuses, but the reality is a lot less impressive and sadder than we’re led to believe.

today’s social media is literally killing us
# tech

today’s social media is literally killing us

Rather than connecting the world and fostering meaningful dialogue, social media is encouraging conspiracies, scams, dangerous hoaxes, and even genocide.

in an ironic twist, ocean worlds could be hostile to life
# space

in an ironic twist, ocean worlds could be hostile to life

Water usually means life. But could too much water snuff out life before it has a chance to evolve?

why social media is a cesspool, and how regulation could make it worse
# tech

why social media is a cesspool, and how regulation could make it worse

Social media is changing the world for the worse, which has some people wondering if it’s time to start regulating it. But regulation could be a much worse cure than the disease.

asteroid mining will lose a lot of money. we should do it anyway.
# space

asteroid mining will lose a lot of money. we should do it anyway.

Today, nothing can replace terrestrial mining. But if make the necessary long-term investments, our reward will be nearly infinite cheap resources, and a cleaner, healthier Earth.

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