the blog is dead, long live the substack
# tech

the blog is dead, long live the substack

Sometimes the only way forward is to try something new.

why neutron stars may be the coolest objects in the universe
# space

why neutron stars may be the coolest objects in the universe

Neutron stars’ thunder is usually stolen by black holes, but these bizarre objects living on the edge of physics create plenty of fascinating phenomena all on their own.

how social media ruined expertise and how to get it back
# tech

how social media ruined expertise and how to get it back

Thanks to social media, everybody can be a pundit today, and that’s ruining how we build a factual understanding of our world and what’s happening in it.

behold the (terrifyingly badly designed) cyborg of the 1960s
# science

behold the (terrifyingly badly designed) cyborg of the 1960s

Humans have been thinking about modifying themselves to survive the rigors of space flight for a long time now. Thankfully, out ideas for how to do it have vastly improved.

why the crewed dragon launch can make our sci-fi dreams come true
# space

why the crewed dragon launch can make our sci-fi dreams come true

Private companies launching humans into space is a profound game changer. We just need to follow it to its logical conclusion.

why tech bros criticizing covid models don’t know what they’re talking about
# tech

why tech bros criticizing covid models don’t know what they’re talking about

Pay no attention to the tech personalities double guessing COVID-19 models. They’re not the experts they think they are, or pretend to be.

why planet nine may not actually exist
# space

why planet nine may not actually exist

Astronomers looking into the orbits of Kuiper Belt objects may have found a flaw in data we thought pointed to the existence of a large planet beyond Neptune’s orbit.

according to pundits, amateur porn is our new safety net
# sex

according to pundits, amateur porn is our new safety net

As the pandemic reveals more and more weaknesses in the economy, more people are turning to creating homemade porn. What will happen to them when the pandemic ends?

the problem with theories of everything
# science

the problem with theories of everything

Stephen Wolfram joins a long line of theoreticians who believe they uncovered how the universe really works. He, like all of them, is almost certainly wrong.

america’s new lysenkoism: what happens when ideology trumps science
# politics

america’s new lysenkoism: what happens when ideology trumps science

When populists, demagogues, and authoritarians insist on attacking experts for trying to fix the problems their dogmas created, the consequences can destroy entire nations.

debunking plandemic, the conspiracy theory heard ’round the world
# health

debunking plandemic, the conspiracy theory heard ’round the world

Plandemic is just a rapid-fire tsunami of lies and anti-vaccine tropes with something for every conspiracy theorist.

world of weird things podcast: so, what does your brain really do?
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: so, what does your brain really do?

According to some of the latest research into cognition and neuroscience, our brains may not be the end-all-be-all of our intellectual prowess…

world of weird things podcast: how did we end up with coronavirus?!
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: how did we end up with coronavirus?!

As the world is locked down in mass quarantine, we ask how we ended up with a pandemic and why are so many people so eager to blame everything but nature for it.

what spiders could teach us about the evolution of brains and intelligence
# science

what spiders could teach us about the evolution of brains and intelligence

Some researchers are wondering if our conscious minds may spread outside of our bodies and think a study of spiders in their webs could prove their hunch.

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