pardon our dust…

Weird Things readers may have noticed a few ongoing changes to the blog. One is the sudden appearance of academic citations in the footnotes of some posts. These are posts syndicated by, a project by Seed Media that highlights peer reviewed studies in the blogosphere. At the end of the day, this blog is all about science and even though I may venture aside every once in a while, my goal is to find and highlight interesting research as well as encourage the use of the scientific method. Being registered with Seed Media provides me with tools for tracking down and examining research papers with new or insightful information as well as cast a skeptical eye on studies which seem to fall a little short and make for challenging posts.
In more current events, the Weird Things Twitter has been growing slowly but surely, so if you like this blog and what I talk about, just click the follow button and get updates of what’s going on with the site as well as some amusing and strange random news. And yes, there is the rare but obligatory observation on daily life. You know what they say, when in Rome… Oh and there’s actually a book in the works from Dr. Ian O’Neill of and yours truly all about space from a business standpoint. Read all about it in the press release and hopefully look for a copy of Astroeconomics: Making Money From The Vacuum Of Space in the eventual future…