world of weird things podcast: why your iq probably doesn’t mean much

For as long as IQ tests and scoring existed, an awful lot of people were obsessed with them and how to rank others. But do these scores actually mean anything? Do off the charts IQs actually exist? And how do people with high scores fare in the real world? As it so turns out, yes, you’re probably better off with a higher score, but not for reason you may think because the reality is that these tests have deep flaws in the way they’re used, and how they’re studied.
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Articles covered or touched on in this episode…
– why the iq police won’t come after you with a brain scanner
– does high iq equal longer life?
– why iq isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be
– why you can’t design your baby and why it’s a terrible idea to try
– why your genes rarely determine your fate
– the ghosts of pseudo-science past
– the misguided quest for perfection
– why you can’t design your baby and why it’s a terrible idea to try
Related articles and further reading…
– the scientific and ethical disaster that is the chinese crispr scandal
– how not to design your baby
Intro/outro by Absolute Valentine, courtesy of Lazerdiscs Records