and we’re back on the air by popular demand…

Apparently, last time George Dvorsky and I were on Skeptically Speaking, the science and skepticism radio show, we caused enough of a stir to merit a second segment, and were asked to return in the last minutes of the show to answer listeners’ questions about artificial intelligence, the Singularity, and the potential of some popular and oft mentioned technologies. And now that time is finally here. This Friday, George and I are back to talk about the future of AI and tackle the debate of what the Singularity is and whether we’ll ever actually get to it, or if it really is the tech world’s equivalent of the Rapture. If you live in Canada, you might catch us on the air at 6:00 PM MST, and if you can’t listen to us on the radio, just go to the Skeptically Speaking site, and click on the Listen Live link when the show is scheduled to start. Meanwhile, e-mail and post your questions for us and time permitting, we might just try to answer it from our points of view.
If you want to refresh your memory on some of the related concepts, check out my debate with the Singularity Institute’s Michael Vassar, and have a look at some of the posts on the Singularity, transhumanism, and AI and the struggle to define intelligence in an objective way. And if any of that catches your interest, you might want to take a peek at the theoretical limits of computing, and the progress being made in the quest for the quantum computers that may one day get us there. There will be amazing advances in technology over the next few decades, but what could they actually offer us, how, and when? Tune in Friday and hopefully, George, Desiree, and I will be able to give you some ideas to consider. Usually, I’d say I’d see you there, but it’s radio and I’ll be in front of a computer, in a quiet room, wearing a headset, so that wouldn’t really work out…