world of weird things podcast: the cult who told me they loved me

Cults and the people who join them have been a constant fascination of many filmmakers and Netflix’s Wild Wild Country really brought talking about them back in style. We thought most of them were relegated to small, oddball communes after the Human Potential Movement petered out, and, of course, the Church of Scientology. But cults never really went away or declined in popularity. They keep recruiting new members, and new cults are steadily cropping up. But how are cults still popular in a connected, sarcastic world where their dirty secrets are only a social media deep dive away? And what strange new iterations of these groups might we see sooner rather than later?
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Articles covered or touched on in this episode…
– All Your Thetans Are Belong To Us
– What Scientology’s Apostates Can Teach Us All
– Mainstream Religion, Inc.
– Religion, Now With Aliens
– World Of Weird Things Podcast: Ancient Aliens
– Why Do So Many People Still Believe In QAnon?
Related articles and further reading…
– Why Secret Societies Will Be With Us For A Long Time
– The Flat Earth Conspiracy Is A Rebellion Against Reality Itself
– Pizzagate And Our Brand New Social Media Conspiracy Factories
– Why Multi-level Marketing Companies Are So Effectively Evil
Intro/outro by Absolute Valentine, courtesy of Lazerdiscs Records