world of weird things podcast: fighting the covid bulge with science

Here at the Fish household, we know the pain of fighting the COVID bulge after two years of trying to stay healthy in a global pandemic and stress levels shooting through the roof in jobs seen as essential or critical. So, as we’re trying to get healthy again, we’re looking at all the snake oil and bad advice the weight loss industry and various social media pyramid schemes unleashed in their attempts to cash in on people trying to get healthy and moving as we head into 2022 to separate the scams, myths, and stereotypes from real scientific advice.
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Articles covered or touched on in this episode…
– When Legal Loopholes Run Wild…
– How Your Guts Could Define Your Personality, Literally
– Why So Much Fitness And Diet Advice Is Wrong
– Trickle Down Pseudoscience: Why MLMs Jumped Into The Supplement Game
– Adding A Little Science To Supplements
Related articles and further reading…
– Why Processed Food Kills Your Waistline And Mood, And How Fresh Food Can Save Both
– Coffee, Booze, And Extra Weight Won’t Help You Live Longer. So What Will?
Intro/outro by Absolute Valentine, courtesy of Lazerdiscs Records