Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# science
Politicians need to keep their voters happy and voters don't like to be offended. But it turns out, dishing out a little offense once in a while gives politicians a real edge.
# space
We know that black holes are bizarre. We know they exist. We even have a picture of one. But what exactly are they?
# tech
Politicians aren't in a hurry to lower emissions even as the world's temperature rises. Can we buy more time to fix the environment with a giant orbiting sunshade?
# podcast
Advertised as a journey to the edge of space and our inner selves, Ad Astra is a tedious, scientifically inaccurate dive into a one-dimensional character's navel. Here's why it matters.
# space
A new study shows just how little we know about why Venus became the hothouse world it is today.
# tech
Planes capable of suborbital flights reducing emissions from air travel sounds absurd at first glance, but a lot more plausible when you consider the technology they plan to use.
# podcast
Probiotics are the next big health trend thanks to new discoveries about our gut biomes. But are we just buying a lot of hype?
# podcast
Are hurricanes and major storms getting more dangerous thanks to global warming or is that just what the news and pop culture tell us? The answer is a bit more complicated than you might think…
# podcast
If we compromise encryption standards used to secure almost everything we do electronically, we'll catch more criminals. But we'll also create millions more by giving them easy targets.
# podcast
A recent crash landing on the Moon was an astrobiologist's worst-case scenario, raising the question of whether we're just doomed to contaminate every world we'll ever touch.