Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# science
Ayala shows us that the accommodationist ruse only works as long as no one can pin down your concrete views on where belief ends and science begins.
# oddities
Chris Steadman and the (Non)Prophet Blog are very upset at my criticism and are ready to diligently dodge every one of my arguments.
# science
Michael Ruse seems to be angling for some of that sweet, sweet Templeton money by talking out of both sides of his mouth. But mostly the side that slams science and atheists...
# politics
Professor Massimo Pigliucci is trying to make a case for accommodating believers railing against science and fact-based education and discourse with some very flimsy arguments...
# evolution
According to David Scharfenberg, Ken Miller is the only sane, rational person in the debate about how evolution should be taught, a debate led almost exclusively by foaming-at-the-mouth irrational extremists on both sides.
# science
Chris Mooney is still running in circles, even after extensive feedback about his latest string of deeply flawed commentary.
# science
Everyone's least favorite science communicator, Chris Mooney, is once again trying to warp reality to fit his narrative.
# science
Philosopher Michael Ruse would like his discussions about science and religion to have a lot less science and a lot more credulity towards faith...
# science
A group of communicators have a new idea for dealing with religious zealots on a warpath against science education: shirk from the challenge.