[ weird things ] | artificial intelligence
articles tagged: artificial intelligence
the technical trouble with humanoid robots
# tech

the technical trouble with humanoid robots

The robots who may assist us and take care of our basic needs in the future don't have to be humanoid to be useful. It may even be better if they're not.

when science fiction and computer science meet
# tech

when science fiction and computer science meet

Science fiction writers who really research AI can come away with some great insights.

seti’s search for alien artificial intelligence
# astrobiology

seti’s search for alien artificial intelligence

SETI is thinking about how to detect and talk to alien computers instead of just alien beings. And that's a lot harder than it sounds.

the last invention we would ever need…
# tech

the last invention we would ever need…

A superintelligent computer would be the last invention humanity could ever want. Figuratively and literally.

come on ray, now it’s just getting embarrassing
# tech

come on ray, now it’s just getting embarrassing

The Prophet of the Singularity returns with a hopeful sermon on our impending computer-aided immortality.

why intelligence is in the eye of the beholder
# tech

why intelligence is in the eye of the beholder

The definition of what constitutes artificial intelligence is still highly subjective.

when philosophy meets artificial intelligence
# tech

when philosophy meets artificial intelligence

Computer scientist Jaron Lanier wants to you remind you not to worship technology as a panacea to all the world's ills, albeit in a very bizarre, rambling way...

i, for one, welcome our robot scientist overlords
# tech

i, for one, welcome our robot scientist overlords

Robots and computers are not about to make scientists obsolete. Why? Because they're limited by math.

putting visual recognition software to the test
# tech

putting visual recognition software to the test

Machine vision still has a long way to go before it can do something as simple as identify objects at a slight angle.

measuring a computer’s iq the singularity way
# tech

measuring a computer’s iq the singularity way

Another day, another Singularitarian idea for measuring artificial intelligence, this time, through statistical problem solving.

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