[ weird things ] | astrophysics
articles tagged: astrophysics
and now for something surprisingly simpler
# science

and now for something surprisingly simpler

It seems we finally understand something about black holes and their behavior.

can you really fall into a black hole? or, fun with time dilation.
# space

can you really fall into a black hole? or, fun with time dilation.

A new paper argues that nothing ever really falls into a black hole thanks to extreme time dilation and frame dragging.

the amazing, possibly viable warp drive
# space

the amazing, possibly viable warp drive

A new estimate for the energy required to power a warp drive puts the theoretical technology well within the realm of plausibility.

how do we find relativistic alien rockets?
# astrobiology

how do we find relativistic alien rockets?

If aliens want to go really, really fast, there's a small chance we could catch them in the act.

do warp drives emit tachyon shockwaves?
# science

do warp drives emit tachyon shockwaves?

A new paper says that warp drives could bathe planets in apocalyptic radiation storms, but how it arrives at this conclusion raises a lot of questions.

why aliens might not need a stabilizing moon
# space

why aliens might not need a stabilizing moon

For decades, scientists thought that a habitable world needed a large moon to act like a rudder. That idea might not actually be true.

counting exoplanets by their gravitational wells
# space

counting exoplanets by their gravitational wells

Just like supermassive black holes, planets can bend light with their gravity. But do they bend it enough for us to detect them that way?

the dark monsters who will inherit our universe
# space

the dark monsters who will inherit our universe

How big are some supermassive black holes? Just trying to scale them down to numbers we can wrap our minds around is a challenge in and of itself.

eliminating dark matter with an intuitive culprit
# space

eliminating dark matter with an intuitive culprit

An Italian mathematician is trying to replace dark matter observation by playing with models of gravitational measurements.

cyclical cosmology debate keeps on cycling…
# science

cyclical cosmology debate keeps on cycling…

Cosmologists are still puzzling over faint signals in the CMBR that may or may not be there and indicate profound events in our past or to our future.

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