[ weird things ] | atheism
articles tagged: atheism
the strange world of non-believing preachers
# oddities

the strange world of non-believing preachers

What happens when a preacher loses faith? They may have no choice but to keep preaching...

why i’m not “out of the atheist closet”
# politics

why i’m not “out of the atheist closet”

Just to answer the questions, no, I'm not interested in participating in the branding and sale of Atheism BrandTM Atheism...

a philosopher’s case for accommodationism
# politics

a philosopher’s case for accommodationism

Professor Massimo Pigliucci is trying to make a case for accommodating believers railing against science and fact-based education and discourse with some very flimsy arguments...

when accommodationists lash out at atheists
# evolution

when accommodationists lash out at atheists

According to David Scharfenberg, Ken Miller is the only sane, rational person in the debate about how evolution should be taught, a debate led almost exclusively by foaming-at-the-mouth irrational extremists on both sides.

newsflash: you are not god
# politics

newsflash: you are not god

This blog's creationist readers appear to need a reminder the criticizing their statements is not the same thing as disagreeing with a deity.

battling atheism with hackneyed clichés
# politics

battling atheism with hackneyed clichés

Indiana governor Mitch Daniels teaches a master class in mindless, empty, hostile zealotry and stringing together supposedly fear-inducing buzzwords.

theologian tries to feminize atheism. badly.
# politics

theologian tries to feminize atheism. badly.

Theologian Stephen Prothero would be happy to engage atheists. He'd just like them to be attractive ladies his age and type...

when you really need a controversy…
# politics

when you really need a controversy…

How do you cover a schism that doesn't actually exist? You whip one up from cherry-picked quotes and use them to stir up a tempest in a teacup.

the religious world quakes. ok, no, not really.
# oddities

the religious world quakes. ok, no, not really.

A theologian claims that the God of the Old Testament is just one deity who separated us from writhing, shapeless monsters. Don't expect his colleagues or mainstream believers to care much about his treatise.

the gift that still keeps on giving…
# science

the gift that still keeps on giving…

Everyone's least favorite science communicator, Chris Mooney, is once again trying to warp reality to fit his narrative.

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