[ weird things ] | atheist
articles tagged: atheist
and the christmas lump of coal goes to…
# oddities

and the christmas lump of coal goes to…

Weird Things is making a list and checking it twice, going to find out who's been undermining public health, science, and education...

skeptic groups try to exorcise their atheists
# politics

skeptic groups try to exorcise their atheists

Newly minted atheists are joining skeptical groups and those groups are not happy about it...

a simple atheist wish list for the real world
# politics

a simple atheist wish list for the real world

What do most atheists actually want? Surprisingly for many theists, it's not the abolition of faith...

woe be to theologically unschooled heathens?
# politics

woe be to theologically unschooled heathens?

For appearance of factual correctness, insult both sides of argument regardless of facts, rinse, repeat, sell book.

ratzinger finds a new scapegoat for his troubles
# politics

ratzinger finds a new scapegoat for his troubles

According to the pope, his senior advisers, and ardent supporters, the Catholic Church molests kids because... atheists were literally Nazis?

wait, isn’t nature a scientific publication?
# oddities

wait, isn’t nature a scientific publication?

For some inexplicable reason, Nature decided to publish a paranoid parable about tyrannical New Atheists lobotomizing Christians into depression and loneliness.

wielding blasphemy in a religious world
# oddities

wielding blasphemy in a religious world

The modern world needs blasphemy not just as abstract right, but being actively exercised when the occasion calls for it.

weird things vs. the accommodationists
# oddities

weird things vs. the accommodationists

Chris Steadman and the (Non)Prophet Blog are very upset at my criticism and are ready to diligently dodge every one of my arguments.

alienating atheists one story at a time…
# oddities

alienating atheists one story at a time…

The (Non)Prophet blog has a contest for the atheists least likely to offend religious zealots and whose identity is based on how accommodating to their beliefs they are.

why i’m not “out of the atheist closet”
# politics

why i’m not “out of the atheist closet”

Just to answer the questions, no, I'm not interested in participating in the branding and sale of Atheism BrandTM Atheism...

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