Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# science
One of the biggest questions about the human mind is how it creates consciousness. We may finally have an answer.
# podcast
According to some of the latest research into cognition and neuroscience, our brains may not be the end-all-be-all of our intellectual prowess…
# science
Far too many of us tend to accept the idea that smartphones are addictive and actively ruining the brains of heavy users. But studies into the idea find little to prove this notion.
# science
We know that teenagers think differently from adults because their brains aren't finished forming. But how does an adolescent brain transform into an adult one?
# science
A new experiment on recently slaughtered pigs shows us that brains may be intact for a while after death, and we might have the technology to bring them back to life. Now what?
# science
Far from being a high precision for computing your way through life, brains are messy and function more on recognition and guesswork, and understanding that is important for the future of medicine.
# science
A study of brain cancer patients in Italy shows the neural epicenters of spiritual experiences and religious belief.
# tech
Researchers are scanning extremely thin slices of human brains to build up the most detailed map of our minds ever created. And that map may have some weird implications.
# science
Bleeding edge science isn't always right, especially when it tries to figure out free will and how we think.
# science
Is there such a thing as a limit to how much information your brain can store? Amazingly, there doesn't appear to be one.