[ weird things ] | china
articles tagged: china
china is creating the blueprint for totalitarian techno-idiocracy
# tech

china is creating the blueprint for totalitarian techno-idiocracy

China is aiming for AI supremacy to automate and export totalitarianism. This effort is bound to backfire, but not for the reason you may think.

actually, you should be very worried about huawei’s 5g ambitions
# tech

actually, you should be very worried about huawei’s 5g ambitions

Resistance to Huawei's technology being implemented across the world for new 5G networks isn't xenophobia or tech feudalism. It's a sober stance based on China's behavior.

new chinese app recruits citizens to spy on “deadbeat debtors”
# tech

new chinese app recruits citizens to spy on “deadbeat debtors”

In a move straight of a Dickensian cyberpunk novel, a Chinese app alerts citizens if someone in debt is within 500 meters, and encourages spying on their spending habits.

the return of the rising red moon scare?
# space

the return of the rising red moon scare?

Are we looking at a repeat of the Space Race, this time against China?

testing the great firewall of china
# tech

testing the great firewall of china

China wants its citizens connected to the internet. Just not the kind of internet where their daily propaganda blitz could be questioned with the click of a mouse...