[ weird things ] | climate change
articles tagged: climate change
the disaster that is the u.s. science and technology committee
# tech

the disaster that is the u.s. science and technology committee

The House Science and Technology Committee continues to plunge deeper and deeper into denialism and inanity.

when your conspiracy has too many villains
# oddities

when your conspiracy has too many villains

To keep their jobs, climate change denialists erected a conspiracy theory that's buckling under its own weight.

does global warming make tornadoes more powerful?
# science

does global warming make tornadoes more powerful?

Global warming is making tornado outbreaks more unpredictable and pushing them to extremes.

why melting permafrost could mean more disease
# science

why melting permafrost could mean more disease

Another scary side-effect of global warming may be the resurrection of ancient viruses from melting permafrost.

yes, the ice caps are melting, but is that bad?
# science

yes, the ice caps are melting, but is that bad?

Just to play Devil's advocate, what if we let the Arctic melt a bit to get the benefits of a Northwest Passage?

egads! an actual, scientific climate change debate!
# science

egads! an actual, scientific climate change debate!

Massive volcanic eruptions leave their mark on the climate record we can gleam from tree rings. And some scientists have new ideas for how to best track them...

why heat waves do matter in the end
# science

why heat waves do matter in the end

An individual heat wave may not mean much. But we're not seeing the occasional heat wave, we're seeing a disturbing pattern of them.

no, cosmic rays aren’t to blame for climate change
# science

no, cosmic rays aren’t to blame for climate change

For supernovae to have a real impact on our climate, they'd have to be a lot closer and happen a lot more often.

why you can’t tax your way to a greener world
# politics

why you can’t tax your way to a greener world

Carbon taxes may prompt companies and people to switch to cleaner. But incentives, rather than punishments, may be a better approach.

when a heat wave is just a heat wave
# science

when a heat wave is just a heat wave

Sometimes it's hot for a couple of weeks. But sometimes, that heat wave is part of a pattern that hints at bad things to come...

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