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articles tagged: computer science
looking for science in all the wrong places
# tech

looking for science in all the wrong places

Science bloggers are trying to wedge scientific accuracy into Tron Legacy, a movie which doesn't have any scientific content to speak of.

tron legacy’s glimpses of high tech idealism
# tech

tron legacy’s glimpses of high tech idealism

Tron Legacy didn't just have countless special effects and a custom soundtrack, it managed to cram in a massive dose of tech utopianism.

how not to download a sinister alien a.i.
# astrobiology

how not to download a sinister alien a.i.

The odds of downloading an evil alien artificial intelligence and enabling it to take over our machinery are pretty much zero to none.

the tech prophet’s visions get graded by ieee
# tech

the tech prophet’s visions get graded by ieee

IEEE is not impressed with Ray Kurzweil's cold readings about the future of computing and technology.

why valley execs need to stop prognosticating
# tech

why valley execs need to stop prognosticating

The last thing we need is to try and turn social media into an artificial intelligence.

the right and wrong reasons to study computers
# tech

the right and wrong reasons to study computers

Regardless of what you may have heard, computer science will not make you a better writer or communicator.

mixing technology and evolution yet again…
# tech

mixing technology and evolution yet again…

It's often tempting to compare advancements in technology to evolution. But they're two fundamentally different processes.

turning humans into digital vapor, revisited
# tech

turning humans into digital vapor, revisited

Tron's human/computer gateway certainly seems cool, but it's going to be pretty much impossible to build, ever.

defining the limits of whole brain emulation
# science

defining the limits of whole brain emulation

The quest to create an accurate simulation of the brain continues. But what will be this project's most realistic outcome?

taking cyborg technology to the next level
# tech

taking cyborg technology to the next level

A new experiment shows that we can give paralyzed patients the ability to move their wheelchairs with their thoughts alone.

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