[ weird things ] | computers
articles tagged: computers
why your dna is nothing like a database
# science

why your dna is nothing like a database

Your DNA contains useful information that's read and translated, but comparing it to a computer database profoundly misses the point.

michael vassar vs. weird things, round two
# tech

michael vassar vs. weird things, round two

Michael Vassar is back for the second round of our debate about Ray Kurzweil and The Technological Singularity.

visions of a digital doomsday
# tech

visions of a digital doomsday

Its extremely unlikely that Terminator's Skynet, or a system like it, would become a reality. At least not on purpose...

waiting for the dawn of artificial intelligence
# tech

waiting for the dawn of artificial intelligence

Intelligence seems to be an emergent property. But it doesn't emerge from processing speed or ability to store a certain amount of data...

the singularity reloaded
# tech

the singularity reloaded

If you can't promise people actual immortality, you can sometimes get away with promising them the next big thing.

when our killer robots attack
# tech

when our killer robots attack

The wars of the future will be fought by robots, but instead of lowering the cost of war, they might make wars bloodier and more common.

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