[ weird things ] | conspiracy
articles tagged: conspiracy
scraping the bottom of the conspiracy barrel…
# oddities

scraping the bottom of the conspiracy barrel…

Christian zealots and Muslim fundamentalists find new common ground: that evolution is a myth created by the Jews to subjugate the world.

you should choose your conspiracies wisely…
# politics

you should choose your conspiracies wisely…

The bin Laden conspiracy theorists do bring up one really good point. How could Pakistan not have known where the terrorist mastermind was hiding?

osama dies and a conspiracy theory is born
# oddities

osama dies and a conspiracy theory is born

Unsurprisingly, bin Ladens death immediately spawned a raft of conspiracy theories around what really happened in Abbottabad.

why facts just can’t kill a conspiracy theory
# oddities

why facts just can’t kill a conspiracy theory

A conspiracy theory can't be debunked with something as irrelevant as facts or reality. To its followers, it has to be true, no matter what.

weird things joins the new world order
# oddities

weird things joins the new world order

Weird Things will now be an official source for Reptilian and Illuminati approved disinformation.

when things are as insane as they seem…
# oddities

when things are as insane as they seem…

Sometimes looking through the spam trap leads you down a path of abject insanity...

when the world has no order, invent one…
# politics

when the world has no order, invent one…

When you don't understand how the world is changing, you can either learn more about it, or you can weave a conspiracy theory to explain it. Why do so many choose the latter?

an alien invasion warning with a mayan spin
# space

an alien invasion warning with a mayan spin

Internet conspiracy theorists discover to slowest alien invasion of all time.

when you see conspiracies everywhere you turn
# oddities

when you see conspiracies everywhere you turn

It's been a busy week for conspiracy theorists and cautionary tales for those who believe in them.

is this the golden age of conspiracy theories?
# oddities

is this the golden age of conspiracy theories?

Conspiracies seem to be all around us today. And ironically, that's the reason why most of them can't possibly be true.

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