Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# education
Yet more shenanigans from the Texas School Board of Education, this time about the age of the universe and the basics of cosmology.
# science
The Texan Institute For Creation Research is still dead set on issuing an M.S. in creationism, and they have 80 pages of (nonsensical) reasons why.
# education
Isn't a graduate degree in science supposed to be in, you know, actual science?
# evolution
Angry anti-creationist activists managed to interrupt their opponents when they were making a mistake.
# evolution
If you want to understand how science works, you have to understand the connection between a scientific theory and facts.
# science
Serious publications should not give creationists the time of day. Their reputations are at stake.
# evolution
The Three Stooges of creationism are at it again, now over at Forbes for some inexplicable reason.
# science
The famed naturalist and father of evolution is getting the worst birthday present this year.
# evolution
What would it take for a creature to become creationism's long-sought "intelligent designer?"
# education
Scientifically-illiterate politicians should not be deciding how science will be taught in schools.