[ weird things ] | dieting
articles tagged: dieting
you’re not biohacking, you have an eating disorder
# health

you’re not biohacking, you have an eating disorder

There's a lot of bad advice about diet and exercise floating on the Internet, and it's especially problematic when this bad advice masquerades as something scientific.

why processed food kills your waistline and mood, and how fresh food can save both
# health

why processed food kills your waistline and mood, and how fresh food can save both

We already know that highly processed foods are bad for you. But several new studies show that it's even worse for you than we thought, damaging both your waistline and mood.

why so much fitness and diet advice is wrong
# health

why so much fitness and diet advice is wrong

Getting fit is a massive industry which claims to have the latest science behind it. But as more people are taking their advice, the world's obesity epidemic is spreading. How is that possible?

eat less, live to a hundred twenty?
# health

eat less, live to a hundred twenty?

Caloric restriction can add years to your life, but how many remains a very open question.