[ weird things ] | doomsday scenarios
articles tagged: doomsday scenarios
does our planet need a biological reset button?
# science

does our planet need a biological reset button?

Can we recreate life on Earth after a mass extinction? And if we could, do we really want to?

can we really end civilization with nukes?
# science

can we really end civilization with nukes?

Can we destroy the world with nukes? It depends on who you ask and what kinds of warheads and damage they include in their calculations...

the macabre allure of doomsday
# science

the macabre allure of doomsday

People hate dying in a cataclysm. But they also like the idea of living at the end of history as they know it.

our killer of a universe
# space

our killer of a universe

The universe can kill you in a lot of ways. And all of them are amazingly entertaining...