[ weird things ] | education
articles tagged: education
so where exactly do your taxes go anyway?
# politics

so where exactly do your taxes go anyway?

Every tax season shows that not only are people ignorant about how their tax money is spent, they don't want to listen to the breakdowns. And that has serious implications for science and education.

ratzinger vs. spanish sex ed classes
# sex

ratzinger vs. spanish sex ed classes

Fresh off a child molestation scandal, the Pope is trying to dictate Span's sex ed curriculums.

the lost generation gets some media attention
# politics

the lost generation gets some media attention

Pundits are waking up to the fact that in the aftermath of the Great Recession, the youth of today is being set up for failure.

is a phd past the point of diminishing returns?
# science

is a phd past the point of diminishing returns?

Is becoming a scientist really worth it today? Surprisingly, a lot of PhDs are recommending against it.

why politics and science still don’t mix
# politics

why politics and science still don’t mix

In American politics, scientists have two choices: a party that actively hates them and a party that merely pays lip service to their work.

dear technophobes, the kids are quite all right…
# tech

dear technophobes, the kids are quite all right…

Over the last 60 years, the world has dramatically changed but K-12 education hasn't. Just blaming social media and web connected devices won't help get students more engaged.

the right and wrong reasons to study computers
# tech

the right and wrong reasons to study computers

Regardless of what you may have heard, computer science will not make you a better writer or communicator.

how to confuse intuition with indoctrination
# evolution

how to confuse intuition with indoctrination

Far too many commentators are way too eager to explain to scientists and science writers why creationism is still a thing. It would be nice if their explanations were actually rooted in the real world.

the guardian to skeptics: think of the children!
# politics

the guardian to skeptics: think of the children!

If skeptics are trying to win hearts and minds, they need to remember that teaching kids real science and critical thinking can't be sidelined.

is it time to rethink what we mean by higher ed?
# education

is it time to rethink what we mean by higher ed?

College education seems due for an overhaul and the first step may be admitting that not everyone needs it.

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