Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# politics
It turns out that polls and predictions of who'll win, along with fake news appealing to our cognitive dissonances, are changing outcomes of elections before we even have them.
# tech
Voting online would be easy and convenient for millions of voters. But won’t solve big problems and we already have an almost equally convenient way to cast your ballot.
# tech
A group of Republicans is trying to advance a conspiracy theory that Romney's campaign tool to detect voter fraud was sabotaged from the inside.
# politics
Politico sounds the alarm on ignorant voters, the voters who refuse to follow the news and won't even try to learn how their government works.
# politics
The Tea Party is gladly willing to sabotage science, education, technology, and anything else that reminds them that the world is changing because to them, change is scary.
# politics
Christopher Hitchens accurately dissects why very few sane people want to go into Western politics anymore.
# politics
Believe it or not, over the long term, political discourse is getting a lot less nasty on average.
# science
While we criticize people for "jumping on the bandwagon," sociology says they may not have much of a choice...