[ weird things ] | evolution
articles tagged: evolution
the controversy that texas forgot
# education

the controversy that texas forgot

Since the Texas School Board is really into injecting controversies into education, here's one they should consider.

teaching the controversy where none exists
# education

teaching the controversy where none exists

Yet more shenanigans from the Texas School Board of Education, this time about the age of the universe and the basics of cosmology.

a brief history of evolution
# science

a brief history of evolution

The famed naturalist and science communicator is back with a new documentary about evolution that avoids similar efforts' typical mistakes.

a backlash against creationism in texas?
# education

a backlash against creationism in texas?

The state of Texas may finally be pushing back on overzealous creationists trying to hijack their school board.

oh wait, they’re still serious?
# science

oh wait, they’re still serious?

The Texan Institute For Creation Research is still dead set on issuing an M.S. in creationism, and they have 80 pages of (nonsensical) reasons why.

why morality came before religion
# science

why morality came before religion

Evolutionarily speaking, ethics and morality before we even had a written language made humans the species we are today.

and so we keep on going…
# education

and so we keep on going…

The Texas School Board of Education is attacking basic science standards once again.

oh wait, you’re serious?
# education

oh wait, you’re serious?

Isn't a graduate degree in science supposed to be in, you know, actual science?

turkey’s evolution woes
# science

turkey’s evolution woes

Turkey may be moving forward politically and economically, but it's heading backwards on science education.

aliens vs. god, the rematch
# astrobiology

aliens vs. god, the rematch

Americans believe that magic is a better explanation for the natural world than an alien intervention. It should be the other way around.

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