[ weird things ] | evolution
articles tagged: evolution
how not to approach astrobiology
# astrobiology

how not to approach astrobiology

Panspermia is a hypothesis of how life might have hitchhiked to Earth. It's not meant to explain how life actually began.

charles darwin and otto hahn’s alien fossils
# astrobiology

charles darwin and otto hahn’s alien fossils

Was Darwin interested in panspermia, the hypothesis that life on Earth was seeded by asteroid impacts?

looking for the afterlife in all the wrong places
# evolution

looking for the afterlife in all the wrong places

Dinesh D’Souza's exploration of evidence for the afterlife is a feat of intellectual laziness and incuriosity.

… and a bullhorn for every maniac
# evolution

… and a bullhorn for every maniac

Of all the places to have a good faith debate about evolution, a forum hosted by a religion reporter against Ray "Banana Man" Comfort is not one.

undermining biology, one class at a time
# evolution

undermining biology, one class at a time

A new study confirms what science advocates have long suspected. Creationism in the classroom undermines the quality of student's education.

behe keeps the manufactroversy going
# evolution

behe keeps the manufactroversy going

Like a phoenix of nonsense, Michael Behe rises from the ashes of being proved wrong on his terms and with his conditions by pretending that the exact opposite has happened.

review: the greatest show on earth
# evolution

review: the greatest show on earth

The Greatest Show on Earth, Dawkins' latest book, is mostly a primer on evolution rather than a polemic on atheism. And that works perfectly well.

should we forget about the pandas?
# science

should we forget about the pandas?

We want to save species threatened by our destruction of our habitat. But what if those species are bound for extinction anyway?

false controversies and evolution in the u.s.
# science

false controversies and evolution in the u.s.

A filmmaker trying to kick-start a controversy to market a biographical movie about Charles Darwin is finding it hard to get attention. But why?

how the stuff of pseudoscience legend is made
# science

how the stuff of pseudoscience legend is made

Evolution can explain why you stand upright and have a large brain. It won't explain why you like to watch movies or read books because it doesn't have to.

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